Tuesday, January 27, 2009

College Blues

So, my sixth semester at Bridgewater State has begun. I am finishing up my English major, taking five english classes! It is going to be stressful I am sure, but hopefully it will all be worth it. I like my teachers so far, and can tell that a lot of the students in my classes (most I have seen in a class or two before) are feeling the same pressures as me, so I am slightly comforted. Sure I have days where it is "poor me", or "I'll never make money", and "I have no life"; the typical college student's cries, but most days I appreciate the education that I am receiving and the experiences I am having along with it.

I decided to come to Bridgewater to major in education, because I want to make a difference in people's lives. I want to be a role model, someone that people can aspire to be, particularly children. The Elementary years can be a tough time for kids, and it is an essential time for growing and forming the person that they will become. My years at Bridgewater are helping me to become that role model I have always wanted to be, and I am grateful for that, so somehow I will cope with the stress of college life and make it through, one step closer to my dream.

1 comment:

  1. +sure I have days where it is "poor me", or "I'll never make money", and "I have no life"+

    Commas go inside quotation marks.

    No comma before because.

    NICE entry!

    What will your blog THEME be?

    You needed another entry by 7pm tonight...please be sure to post by class tomorrow. One a week.
