Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Closer to Graduation

I am coming to the end of my junior year of college, and the closer it gets to completion, the more nervous I get about graduation! When I started at Bridgewater I was worried that I would never finish all of the classes I needed in the time I wanted to, and here I am three years later with only one more year left to go! Two semesters is not a long time, and since I will be student teaching for one of them I expect it will go by extremely fast. I thought high school flew by, well here comes college right behind it!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Yankee Candle

Throughout my whole life I have been surrounded with the familiar scents of Yankee Candle. When I smell their candle, "Home Sweet Home," for example, I literally feel at home sweet home. I love lighting the candles in my house and in my room, and even hanging their air fresheners from my rear view mirror in my car. Products of the Yankee Candle Company have become like a tradition to have in my family. They are familiar and provide comfort. This is an amazing aspect for a company to acheive. Not only do they provide people with relaxing, invigorating scents, but they reveal a certain tradition with their work. I highly recommended their products!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Oh priorities! They are a difficult thing to maintain while in college, and in everyone's day to day life. With so many tasks to accomplish, we find ourselves stretching for too thin. Or at least I do! If I am not in class at school or working on a paper in the library, I am at work trying to scrape up enough money to pay my monthly bills. On my down time, when I get any, I try to see my friends and family regularly, making promises to each of them that I cannot always keep. There is not enough time in the day! So, while I am in school I have to pull myself away from things I want to do, like hang out with my friends or go to a party, because I have work to do. It can be stressful and depressing. The life of a college student, I'll tell you!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Money vs. Happiness

Last night I was at work at the nursing home I work for part time, and I was doing some homework on my break. There was a new nurse on, and she asked me presumptuously, "Oh, you're going to nursing school?" I responded, "No, I am in school for Elementary Education." She was so surprised and continued to ask me why I would settle for a teaching job when I had my foot in the door with nursing. I told her, "It is what I have always wanted to do, that's why." I was a little annoyed by her comments, but that is not the first time I have gotten a reaction like that about my career choice. Sure, nurses make more money than teachers for the most part, but I am going to be doing what makes me happy. Isn't that what we should all strive to do?